Win the Day by Mark Batterson

Not too long ago I read a book titled Win the Day by Mark Batterson. Years ago I had a chance to meet the author and spend some time adventuring in Acadia National Park in Maine. It was a time of renewal and refocus. Since then I’ve read a few of his books, and I always read them with his voice and cadence in my head.

Ultimately, this book is about the importance of looking at life day-by-day. While reflection and planning are all important, we spend too much time on those sometimes getting stuck in the past or anxious over the future. Here are the seven habits he proposes in order to “win the day.”

  1. Flip the Script - Start by changing your story.

  2. Kiss the Wave - Stop thinking the obstacle is the enemy; the obstacle is the way.

  3. Eat the Frog - Plan your work and work the plan.

  4. Fly the Kite - Start doing something as it will lead to something even more.

  5. Cut the Rope - Stop playing it safe.

  6. Wind the Clock - Focus on the journey; stop measuring time.

  7. Seed the Clouds - Put in what you want to put out.

The book is clearly written from the Christian perspective though I believe all audiences will appreciate the habits whether or not they are believers. I highly recommend reading this book.

Find Your WAY can help through all these habits. I can help students recognize how their past can be leveraged into exciting tomorrows, understand their present self, and look at their future as a thrilling journey.

Matthew Haeger